Study for a Noble Cause

I came across this study after listening to an interview on an US radio. I was not interested to track the study till I realized that this is totally secular work and is supported by prominent education and medical institutions in the world. The researchers took up to do a thorough study on sexuality and gender with the intention to know the truth behind some common concepts prevalent in the world. The intention of this research report is to bring the scientific facts to the surface to clear the fog around the issues which the society is wrestling with. We ought to play a part in a society to build it, and not to destruct. We love to choose benevolent deeds over malevolent.

Christians have been making noise for a long time telling people to stay away from sin, however public push against Christians has grown many times in last 15 years. They are called names openly and loudly, and are pulled in the courts. Some have even lost their livelihood because they did not comply with same-sex agenda. Followers of Christ do not disgust sinners, we disapprove the sin. Indignation against sin is not our own thinking, it is told to us by God. HE has commanded us to tell the world what things are abomination to God. God loves all irrespective of any difference we human use for prejudice. HE desires all to be saved enjoying a joyous life. “3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:3-4)

Same-sex is not a bigger sin than adultery, rape, murder, stealing et al.  1 Corinthians 6:9-10 tells us, ” 9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals,[a] nor sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.” Here we see, homosexual sin is not in bold words, nor highlighted. Consequence for sin of covetous, adultery, extortion etc. is at par with fornication and homosexuality. The question arises that why there is so much discourse about homosexuality. The answer we find in the relentless support by left wing for the cause of homosexuality. The intensity of advocacy for one group has not been noted in the history ever before.

Marriage is a God-ordained institution. God could have made two Adams or two Eves, but HE didn’t. HE made man and female with significant anatomical difference for the purpose of reproduction. Atheists profess man is a product of evolution, yet they have no explanation for why evolution produced one male and one female, if the man has its root in primordial soup. I think the whole thrust for same-sex marriage is to go against the motive of God for progeny. The foresightedness tells us that the result of this would be very harmful for humanity.

Credibility of the research is in its purely scientific nature, and not religious. Dr Lawrence Mayer and Dr Paul McHugh are very respectful names in the field of psychiatry. Their qualifications and experiences in the mental health arena, where they have spent most years of their lives, bring more legitimacy to their motivation for this exploration.  They dedicated their work to children struggling with their sexuality and gender. They are seeking the citizens to be guided first and foremost by the needs of struggling patients, so that we could seek for ways to help them lead meaningful, safe and dignified lives.

Mayer and McHugh studied the investigative works in epidemiology, genetics, endocrinology, psychiatry, neuroscience, embryology, and pediatrics. Prestigious institutions in science and medicine in the US – Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health and School of Medicine, Arizona State University, and the Mayo Clinic supported their probe.

In a society, we work together to build each other, and to provide all a safe and joyous environment by educating others about the things they do not know. I know and understand the value of scientific facts. I am sharing this research since Duty of Care tells us to keep others safe.

Please click on the link below. There is a small YouTube video embedded in the text that is snippet of the study. Executive Summary is the precis of the scientific study by Dr Mayer and Dr McHugh in bullet point form. “Introduction” button at the end of Executive Summary page is the first page of the whole report in detail.

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