Multiculturalism and it’s Culture
“If multiculturalism fails; the whole concept of one World, one people and one race of mankind comes down tumbling”
- The Government of Canada established the Office of Religious Freedom in February 2013 and has since established itself as a world leader in advancing and defending religious freedom around the world.
- The Office of Religious Freedom focuses on advocacy, analysis, policy development and programming relating to protecting and advocating for the rights of religious communities facing threat and persecution.
- The opening of the Office was announced at the Ahmadiyya headquarters and mosque in Maple, Ontario.
- The first Jalsa Salana convention was held on December 27, 1891 in Qadian, India, and was initiated by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.
Hon. Minister for Multiculturalism Tim Uppal based his address on afore said points
while addressing the annual convention of Ahmadians in their mosque (sorry it cannot be called a mosque as Ahmadians will face Fatwa or a Fik as they are non Muslims.) this year. It is all the ethics we need to establish Canada as the forerunner in accepting human beings without pointing to any faith and affiliation, any race or nationality. The acceptance of refugees and persecuted people all over Europe in WW1 was the first step to declare Canada as the Refuge Country of the World. It was no different in any way, when the persecution over Jews was carried on by Hitlerite regime in WW11. Canada opened her floodgate for the persecuted people. To my mind, acceptance of the persecutes people must be the top agenda for all countries who can assimilate people in their under populated state of affairs.
Unfortunately, this has happened in its intents and purpose and it is a proven fact that multiculturalism is a dysfunctional concept of a short circuited generator. In every part of the World welding together of races and nations has created untold misery both in European countries and Eastern hemisphere. The brain child of Pierre Trudeau called multiculturalism in Canada, has been viewed from the stand point of vote grabbing by ruling parties from minorities who come for better living and opportunities from other end of the World. The recent stark criticism of Angela Merker; the vice chancellor of Germany on the utter failure of multiculturalism in Europe has left people blinking on its failed objectives. The ideology of equality of religions and welding together of the races needs further analysis. How could races and people be equals? A society that had been nurtured in scientific environment with 100% literacy in Canada gets up next morning and is told that your neighbors next door from Indian village or African shanty towns, or the Far East are all equals. Their voodoos and ritualistic practices are all equal to the scientifically developed ideology of the Western World! There is wide abysmal gap in the viewpoint of an educated society and illiterate person from any corner of the World
Culturally speaking, we see socially enslaved women walking ten feet behind their godly husbands all wrapped up in Hajjab as less than second rated members of their culture and religion. Men folks are killing their own daughters as they defiled their system by choosing their own husbands. Daughter-in laws are being stabbed to death as they did not bring the promised dowry. Women folk under illiteracy are more inclined to use their old traditional ways at childbirth than to go to the hospital for medical help. They create further hygienic problems and add financial burden to the Ministry of Health. The birth of a female child is looked down upon as a curse from gods. In case a wife keeps on producing female babies, is divorced. Some times, two years back, a survey was conducted that proved more male fertility among the South Asian women. It proved that out of all immigrant women, South Asian women produce more male babies than the rest of the women. The picture looked more gloomy when it was found that South Asian women, ( Indians and Pakistanis) after the determination of sex of a baby abort the fetus if it is a female. The policy of separate cultures and ethnicity has created further exclusivity among these people, rather than integration in the main stream Canadian society. Some intellectual will argue this statement for their mental exercise alone, without acceptance of its validity. The fact remains that no homogenous Canadian society could be founded unless there is a merger of cultures.
I am not against if some women wear different clothes. My argument hurts me under the slavish psyche behind that hijab wearing women. Firstly, it reminds me the old traditional and out dated religious value system of turning a Muslim lady into a slavish mentality of not adhering to equal rights both for men and women, while living in Canada. Imposition of sharia law under cover of a Muslim religion in a land of bold and free is a stark abuse of race relations and charter of rights. Secondly, What do the Muslim people try to prove by shrouding their ladies under Burka? Does that signify that Muslim ladies under that burkah are more chaste and holier than the uncovered ladies? In a way, they harbor a hidden ideology of “holier than thou art” mentality.
It is utter chaos to see Indian Canada, Pakistani Canada, African Canada, Muslim or Christian Canada. This integration does not reflect that immigrants are deprived of their own value system, but let that value system shine forth and enrich the Canadian values. Unfortunately, our heritage is being eroded in creating separate value system under the cloak of ethnicity and multiculturalism. Millions of dollars are being wasted, under these ceremonies and traditional cultural growth. We must accept, this type of Canadian growth has created separate value system and pockets of cultures and values. Canada must produce one culture, one people and one Nation, along with all its ethnicity. From the year of 1970 when Pierre Trudeau hatched this brood of multicultural society, the Canadian society particularly ethnic minorities have done more violence against women, more murders under honor killing, more growth of the social problems. There is more violence, extremism, murders, home grown terrorism. This country has become a breeding ground for violence and terrorism under unrestricted and unabated immigration policy and tolerance under the cloak of multiculturalism. Even the exponents of this ideology are convinced that the multiplicity of multiculturalism needs to be redefined. As regards equality it is a very complex phrase there is nothing that is equal in this world. It is a relative term.
It is utter chaos to see Indian Canada, Pakistani Canada, African Canada, Muslim or Christian Canada. This integration does not reflect that immigrants are deprived of their own value system, but let that value system shine forth and enrich the Canadian values. Unfortunately, our heritage is being eroded in creating separate value system under the cloak of ethnicity and multiculturalism. Millions of dollars are being wasted, under these ceremonies and traditional cultural growth. We must accept, this type of Canadian growth has created separate value system and pockets of cultures and values. Canada must produce one culture, one people and one Nation, along with all its ethnicity. From the year of 1970 when Pierre Trudeau hatched this brood of multicultural society, the Canadian society particularly ethnic minorities have done more violence against women, more murders under honor killing, more growth of the social problems. There is more violence, extremism, murders, home grown terrorism. This country has become a breeding ground for violence and terrorism under unrestricted and unabated immigration policy and tolerance under the cloak of multiculturalism. Even the exponents of this ideology are convinced that the multiplicity of multiculturalism needs to be redefined. As regards equality it is a very complex phrase there is nothing that is equal in this world. It is a relative term.
Unless you create equity in the cultural, social and economic standard of the people, you simply cannot make them equals. Marxism and Stalinism used draconian ways to make their people equal by killing millions of rich men, capitalists, industrialists and bankers to make their society haven of equality. It collapsed miserably by the end of twentieth century. Instead of bringing people up to the level and standard of already developed society, they killed their own exalted society and its norms. They turned under one century the whole Eastern Europe a nation of death, hunger and misery. You simply cannot destroy the lofty values and economic structure and down grade the standards to make people equal. Why not bring up the lowly and down trodden in extensive planning and development to the level of the rich? Why to kill the rich to make the poor equal? Why not we make the poor, rich! Why to efface social, cultural and democratic values already developed, to make the ethnic minorities comfortable? Why not we create equity first than equality and make it possible to give them comforts on higher levels. It is not the equality, but the equity that makes people equal. Equality is meaningless unless we create equity in the fiber of society.
“Those who ask for Justice, must learn to give justice to others also.”
Equality and acceptance of all norms of people on equal value system has given birth to a breeding ground for home grown terrorism. Worst type of terrorism has happened on Canadian soil. Are we a nursery of terrorists to be grown in Canada and planted at some stage in Iraq, Syria as Isis and Hamas or Talibans and Alquaida? “ Canada we are coming for you” ( actually, to rephrase it rightly, we are coming to destroy you) These were the words of a terrorist grown and brought up in Calgary. Stop Canada to be a breeding ground for terrorism! We do believe and propagate the racial harmony, without prejudice, a world order of racial integration. We do believe in a world order of peace among people, but not at the cost of disruption, death and sowing further discord. We do stand for all human values and justice for all. Remember one thing; those who want equality, those who want justice, those who want religious freedom, those who want no discrimination, do they believe and preach these liberties and human values to their own people in their home land? If you ( as other faiths) have the liberty and freedom of religion to worship and build your own places of worship in Canada, do you safeguard the churches and Christians in your homeland, along with other faiths? “Those who ask for Justice, must learn to give justice to others also.” Forget for a while to honor and respect other religions and holy places. Your own society preaches racial and religious hatred for your own people. There is no social relation and contact among, Sunnies and shia, Quadianis, Wuhabis and Sufis. In the same fashion, the conflicting schism between Jat Sikhs, Ramghrias, Adharmis, Majbis, Sainis and Kamboj, Hindu low castes and high ups on social order is a specific chapter of discrimination among these races to the point of killing and stark hatred. It falls short of the norms of the multiculturalism we preach through our law. If you want justice, remember to give justice to others also, If you want equality, be willing to accept others on the same grounds, If you do not want to be hated, do not hate others. It is a golden formula. This hatred among social values breed violence and conflict. Hatred is a rich soil for breeding terrorists. As regards the conflicts of cultures, work on the philosophy of give and take. Unfortunately, we are victims of a double jeopardy, we do want that the white race accept us on equal pedestal, but we have failed to accept our own people on the same grounds. Relationship is not one way traffic! Look at this statement of Russian President on multiculturism. There is lot of truth hidden behind.
On February 4th, 2013, Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, addressed the Duma, (Russian Parliament), and gave a speech about the tensions with minorities in Russia :
- “In Russia live Russians. Any minority, from anywhere, if it wants to live in Russia, to work and eat in Russia , should speak Russian, and should respect the Russian laws.
- If they prefer Sharia Law, then we advise them to go to those places where that’s the state law. Russia does not need minorities. Minorities need Russia, and we will not grant them special privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell discrimination.
- We better learn from the suicides of America, England, Holland and France, if we are to survive as a nation. The Russian customs and traditions are not compatible with the lack of culture or the primitive ways of most minorities. When this honorable legislative body thinks of creating new laws, it should have in mind the national interest first, observing that the minorities are not Russians.
The politician in Duma (Parliament) gave Putan a five minutes standing ovation.
Dr. Solomon Naz is retired professor of comparative studies of religions and retired senior pastor Asian Christian Church. His country of origin is India. He lives in
Mississauga Ontario
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