Modi-fication- Republic Day 2015
Thousands of years old legendary India, is described as the sparrow of gold, only to be plundered by the marauding hoards for centuries, who turned it into dust cheap plastic play toy. As a student of history, I have yet to find Ram Rajaya that should restore my soul, where I should be proud of that age. These are the people torn between Munnuite way of life that defines and bifurcates people into high and ups, lofty and lowly, sacred and sacrilegious and had never been one entity as a Nation. This so called Hindustan had lived in that dream land of “Paradise Lost.” It must be an Eldorado of some bard, but not a dream of realism.
India prides herself as a Nation (If it may be true), that has never attacked or plundered any other country, yet we have mythological stories that run, that India attacked Sri Lanka, Burma, Assam and the hilly States of North Bhutan, Nepal, Sikkim and Tibet. In the North West, India ruled over North Western Frontier Provinces of Afghanistan. Her interior political condition tells about the animosity, hatred, and repulsion among her own kings and monarchs. This division was an invitation letter to the kings like Alexander and Muslim invaders in later stages since 7th century onward. Up to 9thcentury, Province of Sindh was fully turned into an Islamic State under Mohammad Quasim. The invasions of Mehmood Ghouri and of Mohammad Ghaznvi and the conquests up to Delhi of Lodhi Sultanates, later on opened the doors for Mughals. Socio religious conditions speak that Brahmanism did crush the rise of Budhism and Jainism in a systematic way. Hinduism absorbed to a great extent these religions in a vast way into pantheistic Hinduism. Ultimately, the establishment of British Raj was the last chapter of colonalization to be abolished on 15th August 1947. Through all these slavish conditions India went through, give her a pride to be the only nonviolent country in the World that never ever occupied or enslaved any other country. The philosophy of co existence and nonviolence, peace loving Nation, gives her an edge above all other Nations of the World. There is still another argument that says her nonviolence and peaceful coexistence was not a choice but a necessity of her listless lassitude.
On the other hand, we ignore the internal situations and conditions, India was passing through in those times. To my mind, no Nation in the World history has ever unleashed so much violence on her own people as India has. Under this religious bigotry , the society was torn between high up Brahmans, Kashatrias, Vaish (working class of peasantry) and the low class Sudras. Its political impact was that only the Kashatria was supposed to fight against the invaders, no one else. The other classes were only helpless spectators. By law of the religion they were not supposed to wear arms. The professional direction and vocation was determined by their caste and social status (Shrama) acts and deeds.
The fate of Indians was directly decided by the governance of Brahman and political PrajaPati (despot) of the State, directed by the elite Brahmanic class. In fact, the governing religion was strongly busy in decimate the lowly and meek to the level of nonentity, so that the power of the State should stay in their own hands. My point is that India from the time immemorial, from the times of Vedas and Shastras was extremely busy in subjugating their own people and classes and let loose all sort of violence and atrocity on the low caste to keep the power reins in their own hands. Frankly, they had enough low caste people of their own to wreck violence upon their own, consequently, they had no other vision to attack and invade beside their own country.
Nowhere in history, we find people hating their own people as you find among Indian races. It is awful to observe, it is prevalent even today in India.
Socio philosophically speaking, this power struggle is Universal in its paradox. May be, it may vary in intensity in its Para praxis. As the societies are evolving under scientific knowledge, pluralism and relativism, the humanistic values are making efforts for a Universal communitarianism. Though it looks awfully difficult under individualism of the day. Unharnessed and uncontrolled energy bestowed through modern physics and immensity of instinct to govern and to politicize power is destroying mankind. May be, this possessive instinct of political and economic power struggle blows this globe into bits and pieces one day.
This power struggle in India, in the hands of religion has given birth to fanaticism, divine rights and theocratic ideology. It has unleashing untold miseries, violence, infanticides, murders, female fetus discard and rapes. The birth of so called saints, citadels of devils, powers and principalities and human worship is part of this religious fantasy in India.
The same power struggle by the political parties of this Nation is absolutely used by its governing bodies through religion. The political Pundits know that people can be abused through the charm of religion to the extent of enslavement. They use that magic to the extreme. Particularly, India is called the cradle of religions and the shrewd politicians out of the ignorance, opiate the senses of the mass to keep the powerhouse of religion under their own control.
To my mind, the tragedy of all Indian socio political and religious economy could be visualized through this prism. A country is never enslaved by the foreigners, unless it loses her own will to survive and live as a homogenous and free Nation. The political correctness finds ways and means to lay blame on other races and Nations for all the ills that paralyses its people. I call it Modi-fication of the problems. (unabated liberties to the fanatics under Mody as head of India)
According to the Webster dictionary modification means-limitation of a statement, making of limited changes, a change of an organism caused by environmental factor, limitation or qualification of meanings of other word by an affix or internal change. The present day reversalism of Mr. Narinder Modi of all Indians who have accepted other faiths apart from Hinduism is a veered about turn rightly called Modi-fication. No wonder, it is a concept, no sane person will accept turning 180 million Muslims, 30 million Christians and 27 million Sikhs to the fold of Hinduism. Is he not working on the official agenda of Hindutva of turning India into “ Hindu Rashtara?” In a World of today, RSS( Rashtria Shivam Sangh) is actively forcing Christian to accept Hinduism through baiting, force and threat. It is unacceptable under any norm of any human charter of rights and constitutional rights of democratic India.
All Christian living in India, are faithful and integral part of India. All Muslims, all Sikhs, all Jains and Budhists, have the same rights to profess, proclaim and propagate their faith as the Hindus have.
On one hand the constitution of India, proclaims no caste system, no hatred upon color caste and creed, no discrimination on faith affiliation, no repulsion on racial genesis, where as the fundamentalists like RSS, Shive Sena, Ram Sena are disrupting the very peace and harmony of this country under the protective umbrella of Hindutva. The very concept of Hindu Rashtara (Hindu Country) is far more dangerous and disruptive than the extraneous forces of Islamic extremism.
Is India being run by its Constitution or the terrorist groups like RSS who are declared as one of the biggest terrorist organizations of the day?
Right from the very inception of Indian philosophy of co existence, her ambiguity in her thought pattern is writ large in bold letters. On one hand Hindus belief system worships cows as mothers, where as their own women are despised, castigated and hated, worse than animals. The minutest organism, littlest creatures and animals, even the trees and rivers are sacred and worshipped as gods, where as the low castes Shudras, Adivasis( aboriginals) are hated. They are less than human beings. There is no social integration on matrimonial and social enactment. A woman, religiously speaking is a goddess. (Mata) In practice, India has the worse cases of rapes and violence every day. Women are murdered, burnt and poisoned as they failed to bring dowry from their parents. India has the highest rate of female fetus infanticidal rate in the World. Out of the total number of prostitutes 35% are under age or teen age prostitutes. Consequently, India has the highest disproportional rate of growth of women. Hindu may feed a wandering animal, yet may let a dying human being die on a roadside. Is this all justified under Hindu Rashtra or Modi-fication ? Is this going to be the fiber of Indian society under these Hindu laws? Minorities are scared. May be, the law of racial divide, hatred, discrimination and ancient law of Rishi Munu of old times be established again in a Hindu Rashtara in its totality.
It is not true that Hindutva wants all proselytes to Christianity back to Hindu Sangh as their prodigal sons and daughters and to accept them as their own. It is a question of power struggle for encirclement and embankment of these poverty stricken people to the fold of Hinduism for vote grab, nothing else.
In many ways, the worst part of Hindutva set up is its power dominance and their establishment over down trodden people. The rich and powerful assume an unimaginable power and govern less fortunate and poor with an iron hand, far more crueler, than a dictatorship. No doubt “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely” BJP has come out victoriously with a majority vote, with an absolute power as Hindu religious Party. Yet they must not forget the contribution and role of Christianity in the struggle of Independence and development of Indian society.
The founder and first Chairman of Congress Party of India was Mr. O Hume a devout Christian, governmental revenue officer and educationalist. The evils and ills of Indian society like burning of widows alive, (Satti) child marriage, illiteracy among women was abolished under Christian teachings. Violation of human rights and racial discrimination was legally condemned under Christian teachings.
Hindus had a pride that they had Universities like Nalanda, taxla and Banaras in ancient times, but who was being educated there? Only high caste Brahmans and princes and high ups had the admission to be disciple of a Pandit (scholar) It is the Church and Christian Missionaries who opened schools in Indian villages and far flung places. They made education as the medium for the emancipation from ignorance and darkness. No wonder, we mention the names of Dr. Mrs Nancy Harper and Dr. William Harper of Moga In Punjab. They were renowned educationalists World wide and were founders of village education, adult education and Basic training for teachers In India.(Punjab) All over India the foundation of schools and institutions as such were founded by Christian educationalists and scholars.
In medical field, Dr. Miss Brown is the founder of Christian Medical Hospital Ludhiana Punjab. (Now college for doctors and nurses) Dr, Ferris is the founder of Feroze Pur (Punjab) hospital. There are countless educational institutions and medical centers founded by Christianity in India, unparallel in their quality education, even today. It was thought to be a taboo in high ups for their daughters to be a nurse in those days. Most of those Missionary doctors and educationalists died of Malaria, Typhoid, TB and Cholera to save the population of India. Christianity is the harbinger of medical and educational system in India. Hindutva, will you through these blessings out in India too? We thank God for His saving grace that we had been instrumental in saving millions to uplift Indians our own people out of hunger disease and squalor to the level of this day.
Those Shudras whom you called and treated as the garbage and dirt of your society, Christianity embraced them. Christianity restore to them dignity, acceptability and prestige. Those who were stars of dust once became stars of sky. Many and most of that dredge of society (You called them so) are now top class MD doctors, Surgeons, consultants, scholars, principals of Institutions, professors and teachers and businessmen and women. Thank your gods that Christianity gave you political democratic system.
The very Constitution of India is nothing more than a stereotype copy of English law. What would you through out of India? 30 million Christian Indians! What about Indian administration, its language ( The biggest English speaking country in the World is India) Its road system, its canals, Its railways and all its industrial development, all of them were one day founded by Christian Empire. We are not glorifying imperialism and its dire colonization, but we are facing some factual realities.
My friends, you may be Hindu, Muslim, Sikhs, Budhist, Jains, Zoarashterian and countless low caste schedule classes, Christianity love you all. You cannot turn the tide backward now by your “home coming” slogan through forced reconversion. The strength of India lies in unity and harmony, in her homogenous character. The worst enemies of India are those who want to see it broken in bits and pieces. Our unity in diversity is the way out! Our Churches bow in fervent prayer for the peace and prosperity of India and her Government. Amen
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