Who is your neighbor?
About two thousand years back in time scale, Jesus asked one lawyer, who is your neighbor? May be, he understood one who is next door to him! Jesus told him one parable of a man who fell among the robbers who inflicted him hard, looted whatever he had and left him to die in his misery. Many religious and pious people passed by him and did not show compassion to save his life. Ultimately a man of socially low status passed by, cleansed his wounds, bound them and took him to an inn to save his life. Who is mans’ neighbor? was the sterling question that confronted that lawyer.
Today, there are over 9 Million homeless and country less, starving, tortured refugees Worldwide. Who is going to feed them? Who is going to save and protect them? Non, but you! Christians, give them home to live. Over 400, 000 refugees are knocking over boarders of European countries. Accept them show compassion. There was a miraculous feeding of over five thousand hungry people by our Master by a desert place. There is a punch line in this miracle, perhaps we may be ignoring, “They need not depart, you give them to eat” It is a question of who shoulders the responsibility to care and feed. The saving grace for dying and suffering is given to you alone. Had it been engrafted in some other races and Nations, they will care for their people. To save and to care is Christian principle. Do it.(Ref. Matt. 14-16)
Who will save them? Who will heal them? The whole World today is suffering under violence, hunger and disease. “and I heard voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send and who will go for us? Then said I, SEND ME” God is calling you to take up the gauntlet horn. (Isai 6: 8-10
There were over two million religious people offering their prayers in Mecca last month in the days of Eid. Did any one bother to show pity for the suffering and hungry, homeless and dying under disease and violence? I believe non did. Otherwise, there will be some resolutions passed by their own religious countries to care for their neighbors, their own to save and to protect. Millions of them will not be starving and suffering over the borders of Western countries.
Broaden your borders, Christians and accept your neighbors. Yet be very, very wise whom you accept, may be there are some, who have some ulterior motives.( Some of the lines of my preaching, this Sunday, Oct. 4, 2015
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Amir Ayad lies in a hospital
By News By ......Posted on July 13, 2015 at 10:00 PM
Amir Ayad lies in a hospital bed after he was allegedly beaten by Islamic hardliners who stormed a mosque in suburban Cairo
Pakistan: Islamist Mob Kills Christian Couple Accused of Blasphemy
By News By ......Posted on July 13, 2015 at 10:00 PM
Commanded from mosque loudspeakers, a Muslim throng in Punjab Province killed a Christian couple yesterday after a co-worker accused the pregnant wife of defiling the Koran, sources said.