More secularism and marginalized Christianity
As the western world, at least, becomes far more secular and Christianity marginalized people who are opposed to the Church and Christ will explain that it is obsolete in the modern era.
There’s a problem with that thinking and that is all truth is eternal. Opinions change, science changes, technology changes and fads change but God’s eternal truths never do. I write this as somebody who is not trying to be judgmental because for much of my life I never even questioned vice or sin in my life but I’ve realized this much.
We’ve built an entire global economy on usury or interest rates and people may say that’s how it is but it’s not Biblical. However, you came to those thoughts about validating interest rates it wasn’t from God. The Bible tells us to pay taxes so when people deliberately put their income into tax havens they didn’t get those thoughts from God. Now to a contentious topic being same sex marriage. I know gay people and if I had a child who was gay I’d love them the same as if they were straight but it’s clear that God believes marriage is between a man and a woman. You may not agree with it or like it but the thought to change the status quo did not come from God. Now to something even more controversial surrounding sex. The majority of us have sex outside of marriage and contrary to what many believe God doesn’t think sex is sinful if it’s kept within the confines of marriage. Again, that’s a tough one to live up to and you may not agree with it but your thoughts against it are not inspired by God.
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Amir Ayad lies in a hospital
By News By ......Posted on July 13, 2015 at 10:00 PM
Amir Ayad lies in a hospital bed after he was allegedly beaten by Islamic hardliners who stormed a mosque in suburban Cairo
Pakistan: Islamist Mob Kills Christian Couple Accused of Blasphemy
By News By ......Posted on July 13, 2015 at 10:00 PM
Commanded from mosque loudspeakers, a Muslim throng in Punjab Province killed a Christian couple yesterday after a co-worker accused the pregnant wife of defiling the Koran, sources said.