On the Cross-
On the Cross-
Whatsoever sins I, you and we all have committed or shall do hereafter, they shall be Christs’ own sins as if he himself has done them. The prophets befor, His birth, had foreseen this truth and Christ on the Cross hanging over 700 years before his death. On the Cross He hangs, as the greatest transgressor, murderer, adulterer, thief, rebel, blasphemer, deceitful being ever born, that ever was or could be in all the Worlds to come. On the Cross he dies as the greatest sinner ever lived. Not that He had done all those evil deeds. Here is a complicity to understand. He took all the guilt of the Worlds that had been and to come upon Himself to set, men, women and all the living beings free from the death and its curse. He took the guilt upon His body so that He may expiate mankind to ransomed himself for death. This was the satisfaction he received on the Cross with His own blood.
Now onward, your soul and body is free. Sin, death, grave and sufferings and corruption belong to Him for yours and mine sake. Redemption was not possible without this act of ransomed to atone for sin, to assume the guilt, pay the price of wrath and thus abolish sin. This is the sum total of the the whole redemptive work that is accomlished.
On the Cross, grace of God and forgiveness reign now oward.
Never the less, cheap forgiveness without repentance is very deceptive in all intent and purpose. That is why I say there is a price paid for you on the Cross. You are bought with the blood of Jesus Christ.
One more point to ponder upon is, that Christ died on the Cross not for the Jews or the Romans but for the whole mankind.
If death be Universal, grace and forgiveness must be Universal too and not circumvented any way.
There is sufficent room on the Cross for worlds, those had been and to come. Your life is set free on the Cross, no matter you love Him or not. Universality of redemption and atonement does not display that creation of God is discriminatory. He embrace you all on the Cross to set you free from sin and suffering, no matter they are spiritual, social, economic or political shackles. Blessings on this Good Friday. Sure it is GOOD as I am set free on this day.
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Amir Ayad lies in a hospital
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Pakistan: Islamist Mob Kills Christian Couple Accused of Blasphemy
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