The Mad men of Gadra

This is the story of the times and active ministry of Jesus Christ. Along with his disciples Jesus Crosses in a boat to Gadrene East North of  Sea of Galilee, bordering to days’ Jordan. In the North lies province of Philistia and for above North is the boarder of Syria.  soon as they reach mountainous valley of a city called Gadra, Jesus meets a wild man, possessed with a legion possibly (6000) evil spirits. this  man who cut himself and was terror to all popualation, was chained and cast in shackles but he broke them all and was never tamed. Looks to me that he might have committed many murders and terrorized many people of this town called Gadra. This word Gadra, in itself means to create mutiny, revolt and riots. The analogical meaning are termed as angry, enlarged mental condition, grandee, morbid, degenerated, grenade. This was a man who wore no clothes and was naked and ludicrous.


Jesus sets him free from those evil forces, yet these evil spirits entered a flock of swine and they drowned themselves in the Sea of Galilee. Now, this is the whole scenario of the life of this legendry wild man of Gadra.

In my times, after a fraction of  over two thousand years, I stood over the same Galilee lake and visualized the happenings of my times in 1982.  England Central Biblical college organized a tour of Holy Land.  The chronicles of history today are strewn with heinous murder, bomb blasts, and  numerous fights between Palestinians and the state of Israel. It is called the most intractable place for peace agreement.   Almost every day is a day of violent conflict of suicidal attacks of some wild men and women. Since 1948, when the Zionists occupied this place  called Israel the terrorist movements PLO was the original violent movement that gave birth to countless mad men of Gadra. We are not here to differentiate here the rights and wrongs of the parties concerned, but  to see prismatically how  this violent man of Gadra has resurrected in countless millions of forms and figures in our modern World.

Look at these zombies, are they not full legions of evil spirits? The anarchists, hold ups, high jackers,  school blower full of children, busters of Churches and Mosques, while people are praying.  Streets bustling with innocent shoppers, blown up with bomb blasts, forcible takeover of planes and ships, taking hostage of Innocent teenager girls, conversion to Islam and forcibly marrying these underage girls! This is an act of people, possessed with evil demonic forces. a deliberate act of Gadrites thirsty for human blood.

They are the depraved gunmen of all  sorts of Isis, Boko haram, (protector of House of Allah)  Alshbabs, (Glory ofAllah) so called Islamist propagandists. Prostitutes, drunkards, gamblers, adulterers, robbers, bootleggers, dope peddlers, dope fiends, distributors and publisher all obscene and violent ideology. They are back-hand gangsters and deserters of families, vamps, home wreckers, prize fighters, murderers, robbers of widows and orphans.  They  are bigamists and abusers of women.


Group Description Terrorist
Activity Level
Al-Qa’ida (Ben Ladin Organiztation) Multinational, Afghanistan-based Islamist Very High
Armed Islamic Group (GIA) Algerian, Islamist High
Hamas Palestinian Islamist High
Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM) Pakistani, Islamist, Kashmir separatist High
Islamic Group Egyptian, Islamist High
Al-Jihad Egyptian, Islamist High
Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ) Palestinian, Islamist High
Hizballah Lebanese, Shiite Islamist Moderate
People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) Iranian, leftwing anti-regime Moderate
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC) Palestinian, nationalist Moderate
Kach Jewish, anti-peace process Low
Kahane Chai Jewish, anti-peace process Low
Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) Kurdish, anti Turkey Low
Palestine Liberation Front Palestinian, nationalist Low
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) Palestinian, Marxist Low
Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party/Front Turkish, leftwing anti-government Low
Abu Nidal Organization Palestinian, nationalist Very Low

1 “Terrorism: Near Eastern Groups and State Sponsors, 2000,” Aug. 17, 2000 (Thanks Wikipedia for  stat)

Just remember how havoc was perpetrated in 2014! There were more than 13,463 attacks by these Islamists and Alqaeda evil organization, 32,700 people died,  and 34,700 injuries occurred. Above all more than 9,400 were abducted and taken hostage.  There were 95 countries that fell prey to this terror in the year 2014. Most of the targeted countries where 60% attacks happened were Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India and Nigeria) 78% fatalities took countries like Iraq, Afghanistan, India, Nigeria, Pakistan and Syria.

What do you call it? These demonic forces are not only in a little town of Gadra of Biblical times, they have fanned out in all four directions of the World. Its multiplicity has its demography imbedded in politics, religion and the social order of the society. Look at the charter above of these organizations, actively destabilizing Governments in Middle East and African countries.

I firmly believe and I hope you will agree to, these mad men can be cleansed and the Nation under their marauding attacks can be rescued and delivered, If the Nations sincerely and faithfully want to be free from this evil ideology of  violence and terror.

The tragedy in the end of the this story of Biblical mad man was that the people of the town called Gadra asked Jesus to get out of the their boundary. They did not want to be delivered. They did not want to be cleansed. They loved evil over good. They loved terror above peace.

There are parties even today whose motive and targets are not peace. They make big profits out of this turmoil. They make big finanmcial gains out of spilling of blood of innocent men, women and children.

The whole World has become a fortress of Gadrites and they have hostaged seven billion people of this planet. Look at the Gospel truth-

“In the last days perilous times shall come.  For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters,  proud, blasphemers,  disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy. Without natural affection, continent, fierce, despiser of those who are good, traitors, heady, high minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God.”(2 Tim.3:1-4)

Resumes of my Church  Sermon. ( Dr. Solomon Naz) 416-271-1040)

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