Here’s How Christians Should Handle Competition in the Workplace
Workplace competition is a common thing. Man is a competitive being, often desiring to outdo one’s self and others. While this could have negative impact in a person’s life, the same goes for the opposite: Competition can also be productive and helpful. That is, if it’s healthy.
Christians who see competition in their workplace should learn how to handle it well so that it could be a blessing for them, their co-workers, and superiors. We should all learn to redeem the time and use it in our favour.
Are you facing competition, intense or not, in your workplace? Here’s how Christians should handle workplace competition.
1. See It as an Opportunity for Growth
The materialistic man sees competition as an opportunity to outperform others in order to gain bragging rights. The spiritual man, however, sees competition as a healthy way to improve one’s self. (see 1 Corinthians 2:14; Colossians 3:2)
When we see a co-worker do better than us, it should serve as a benchmark for us to improve our output and seek to be excellent as well. It should motivate us to check if we need to learn more, do more, or if we need help in improving our work.
We shouldn’t envy another’s performance and get jealous of the praises they receive. (see Exodus 20:17; Proverbs 27:2; Galatians 6:9)
Rather, we should be happy for them, while being motivated by their success to work hard to succeed, too.
2. See Competition as a Means to Glorify God
Aside from seeing competition as a motivation to improve one’s self, we should also see workplace competition as a means to glorify God.
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How could that be? Let me explain.
The Bible tells us that whatever we do, we must work at it heartily as unto the Lord. When a co-worker does well, we should be happy for them and thank God for their success. When we work hard, we do it to please God. When we do our best to excel for God, we please our bosses and co-workers.
When all is said and done, we won’t even mind if we’re at the top or not. What matters is that we honoured the Lord in our workplace. (see Colossians 3:17, 23)
3. See Competition as a Means to Spread the Gospel
Unknown to others who don’t believe in Christ, the Christian has the most powerful motivation and driving force: Jesus Christ. As such, we should also see competition as a means to spread the gospel in our workplace.
When our colleagues ask us why we are striving hard to excel, we simply say it’s because we serve Christ. When our colleagues ask us why we act sportsmanlike and have a pleasant attitude at work even if we’re not the “employee of the month,” it’s because we serve Christ. When our colleagues ask why we do what we do, we tell them it’s because of Christ.
When Christ is our end-all and be-all, our aim is to preach the gospel to all creation, including those with us in our workplace. (see Mark 16:15)
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