Drop torture policy( Human Rights)
“Canada will never use torture or be party to that” said Defence Minister of Canada, Harjit Sajjan in Washington US.
His statement taken in its intents and purposes is very confusing and lacks luster in its transparency.
(1) any Nation, no matter Europe, US or Canada are dealing presently with hard core terrorists and seasoned criminals, not with day time pick pockets. They are the people who govern within the governments, even have capture sizeable portion of territories and run their own Islamic Sheria law.
(2) Mr. Sajjan, do you grade them criminals as long as they are fighting against a certain country of their own land?. ( You have lead Canadian soldiers in Bosnia and Afghanistan on such missions as to kill and destroy their satanic designs) They are murderer, rapists, abductors of innocent under age school girls in hundreds molested and sold them as slave girls, never to be returned. They are the people who blew Churches while innocent people were praying as Sunday worshipers. They have committed heinous crimes by attacking schools and institutions of learning. They are the people, no, monsters indeed! let me say frankly, they are not in some correctional institution for certain behavioral transformation.
Had Canada not used intelligence sharing schemes from US under previous Governments, there could be many more shoe bombers and terrorist training camps as we had in Mississauga Ont. (though shut down since 2015) Do not feed on misconstrued ideology that Canada is safe, rather it is a breeding ground for terrorists nurseries.
(3) Soon as any one of these terrorist puts his heal in US or in Canada, instantly he get transformed from Satan to a Saint for us. He starts asks for all those human rights and UN privileges denied, one and all in their own country of origin. Criminality against mankind must be weeded out than to be nursed and nurtured. (4) Soon as such rascals are captured, they deserve no human behavior and rights apart from the death. (5) let law take its course and application. do not let pluralism take its course through humanism, compassion and empathy.(6) Those who ask for justice, must understand that justice love and compassion is a two way transmission, not a one way street. (7) Those who ask for clemency to be treated under the law must understand that law is always for the lawful people, not for the lawless rascals. Hon. Harjit Sajjan, Defence Minister of Canada, your statement looks to be half hearted misconstrued truth. One of its wing looks to be broken and bruised, for your flight, you need two wings.
Comments on Toronto Star News paper Friday,10 Febuary 2017.
Dr. Solomon Naz (Editor Christian Review.ca) 416-271-1040.
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