Freedom is, all that i preach
Today is Sunday Folks and had an assignment in a Church, in Scarborough East of Toronto. Breaking away of political shackle may be a freedom tomsome extent, yet that is no way a deliverance from hunger, ignorance, want and disease. People are still chained to their old dead habits. It is total deliverance from sin conditions. Newly freed nations last century, in deed are free from British Raj but are they free indeed? Obviously, not at all. It was just an act of changing hands from white regime to brown or black slavery. We are slaves to fascist regimes, Corporations guilds, huge international Commerce and trades. Even if we had any solace, we had that in religion, which is a worse slavery in itself. In Red Square Russia a big statue of Stalin says in glyptic form “Religion is an opium of the people” it means, religion sends people to sleep. It is not the religion I have come to preach, it is Life, an awakening, a revival, a resurrection from dead habits, I preach. Awake and rise from the dead, and the light of God will shine on your face. “
“ He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor, he has sent me to heal the broken hearted, to preach DELIVERANCE to the captives and giving of sight to the blind, to set at liberty to them that are bruised” That is all a perfect gospel truth, it is no religious business.
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Amir Ayad lies in a hospital
By News By ......Posted on July 13, 2015 at 10:00 PM
Amir Ayad lies in a hospital bed after he was allegedly beaten by Islamic hardliners who stormed a mosque in suburban Cairo
Pakistan: Islamist Mob Kills Christian Couple Accused of Blasphemy
By News By ......Posted on July 13, 2015 at 10:00 PM
Commanded from mosque loudspeakers, a Muslim throng in Punjab Province killed a Christian couple yesterday after a co-worker accused the pregnant wife of defiling the Koran, sources said.