Clothing Drive by Brampton East MP Raj Grewal
Clothing Drive by Brampton East MP Raj Grewal Ends with Great Success !
Brampton East Liberal MP Raj Grewal held a clothing drive on Sunday, Dec. 20,2015 for the Syrian Refugees in Canada through The Salvation Army. This event turns out to be a great success. With the holiday season about to begin this was a terrific initiative to give back to the needy community The clothing drive has become an important event to improve the lives of the most vulnerable in the Syrian community.All provinces in Canada, most communities are doing their best to help Syrian refugees.
In Ontario, Brampton East community gave tirelessly and generously for this noble cause. Hiding From ISIL, human trafficking ,the Mediterranean rough seas and sinking ships, waiting to get refugee status, xenophobia and lack of hope, violations of their physical integrity, facing death in the hands of smugglers, these were the challenges they are facing while coming to Canada. Among Syrian community, there were countless grief stories during their exodus from Syria.
“I am deeply touched by the Syrian grief stories which led me to help them by donating clothes”, said Ashwini, who has helped many organizations that support communities in Brampton and Toronto .”I will do more for Syrian Refugees “she stated further.Another participant mrs. Zara understands the humanitarion work very well.
She said,” I am helping the Syrian refugees because humans help human.”
She said,” I am helping the Syrian refugees because humans help human.”
Each volunteer had a story of self-sacrifice. They were motivated by their love for Syria, compassion for the Syrian brothers and sisters and dedication to the Syrian nation. Many volunteers inspected and organized the donated clothing.
Sharon was one of them. “It makes me feel like part of the community, like I’m doing something to make a difference,” she said. A few weeks ago, Brampton East MP Raj Grewal put out a call on his face book page for Syrian refugee clothing drive and within two hours, it turned out to be a huge success on that day! It was pretty
unbelievable what we can achieve in such a short time!”
unbelievable what we can achieve in such a short time!”
In the end, Brampton East MP Raj Grewal gave these closing comments,” Thank you Brampton East for an amazing turnout with the Clothing Drive yesterday! Together we had over 100 bags of clothes in donations for our Syrian brothers and sisters.
Report by David Jhamat
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