A soldier is not a social worker!
A soldier is not a social worker!
Most of the times, whenever I go for speaking engagement, if it is prepared and labored speech or preaching, it is non effective, insipid and uninspiring. To me, it looks that I speak out of my acquired wisdom and intellect. It does not come from my heart, its emotions and strings of sensitivity. This morning started with a strange engagement to talk in Cambridge town Naval Cadet Corps registration and recruitment center, about 40 kilometers away from my town. I did not know what I had to say on such an occasion. In a way, it was my first engagement in Armed Forces Unit.
Half way I stopped for a cup of coffee. On the outside door of Tim Horton, I found some young girls collecting some donations for Naval cadets with small boxes in their hands. One of them was a sergeant with 3 stripes on her both arms. I bought coffee for all three of them and asked the leader sergeant, do you believe in killing? The young lady was so smart and aggressive that it left on me an ever lasting impression.
She said, yes surely I am trained and entrusted to save life of innocent people, young and small, men and women and children. If need arises, for maximum good for maximum numbers, I will not hesitate to kill to saving lives of innocent people under the threat of a tyrant aggressor.
In my training times, I learnt, a soldier is a soldier. He is not a social worker. Yet he is kind compassionate and loving. I honor the pledge and oath to serve and honor my country for that I live and sacrifice my life.
This talk became the basis of message of my morning preaching. A preacher was preached by a young lady this Sat. day morning.
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