Who should cast the first stone?
Who should cast the first stone?
Facts and fictions-
Election 2016 is over and President elect Donald Trump is going to be in White House with no black shadows hovering over his head, at least for another four years. Since last year, the Presidential Election of US was the main discussion of print and plastic media. The unscathed attacks in Primaries over one another in the same party and the TV political wrestling matches were interesting. Ultimately, two political goliath Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton had final arena set up by their conventions. Believe me, I have not seen in US history such a confused political uncertainty as I have see in this election. Therefore, this political wilderness was enough to choose between spurious and superior. Or else to chose between the two evils!
“Working together we will begin the urgent task of re-building our nation and renewing the American dream.”
“As I’ve said from the beginning, ours was not a campaign, but rather an incredible and great movement, made up of millions of hard-working men and women who love their country and want a better, brighter future for themselves and for their families. It’s a movement comprised of Americans from all races, religions, backgrounds and beliefs who want and expect our government to serve the people, and serve the people it will” Presidential candidate.
The belligerent attack of journalist/ columnist of Toronto Star Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016 Rosie DiManno is worth noting. She leaves no stone unturned in being abusive, dirty, derogatory and defamatory as far as it could be called, a civilized foul mouthed vendetta. Just imagine the phraseology used against Donald Trump by this seasoned journalist of Canada.-
Look upon the very heading of her article. “Oh America, what have you done. She uses the phrase from New York, America is angry, with bitterness and bile. America is maddened. America should be ashamed of itself. This is indeed a conspiracy- of racists and reactionaries, white supremacists, misogynists, Islamophobes, isolationists, sexual scavengers, haters.
That country, no longer exists. That country has ripped her own guts it is a rogue President Donald Trump, “Jesus wept” endorsed by ku klux klan.( as if Jesus is rogue politician) He is a Republican President, who is in control of house of representatives and Republican controlled Senate.
Another well known columnist Thomas Walkom who appears every Wednesday in Toronto Star writes about Donald Trump-
Shameless, self promoter, too bumptious, too contemptuous, too extreme. When he entered the Republican race as President, he was universally dismissed as a joke figure. He insulted entire category of voters. Nafta according to him is destroying American jobs. Illegal immigration is out of control; crime is rampant.
He defied the elite and consensus on globalization. He, openly insulted and allegedly assaulted women.
Bob Rae was the only balanced mind to write these candid unbiased comments in opinion column in Toronto Star Wednesday, November 9, 2016:
“Trump broke through the field of Republican candidates with his force of personality, his rhetoric, and with arguments of immigration, security, the economy, trade deals and “Elite corruption” that overpowered his opponents. His tactics were crude, his language was incendiary and emotions he aroused, were dark and divisive.
Who should cast the first stone?
In this century of relativism, gender equality and pluralism, where do you categorize moralistic and ethical exaltations? In Canada today, gay, lesbian and homosexuality has become a norm of educational curriculum. Nobody ever publicized the private life of Donald Trump as long as he was not in lime light of politics. Hillary Clinton and her husband were guest of honor at the forth wedding of Donald Trump. Today media denounce him as lascivious, morally corrupt, misogynist, adulterous, insulting and ill mannered. We expect all sexual decency now, when we destroyed the edict of Ten Commandment in Oklahoma October 26, 2014 no one bothered. One of the commandments said, “Thou shall not commit adultery.” Now you sing on the harp of morals and ethics.
What about the equal rights of homosexuals, heterosexuals, gay and lesbians? For arguments’ sake, if tomorrow one of them becomes President of US. What will be your reactions? Your wrong ethics and moral value system, your wrong faith and moralistic thought pattern, will create bad generation. What you sow, so shall you reap, a proverb says so.
Let me say candidly, about the life style of some of your own prophets. Prophet Abraham had moral lapses of disobedience and sexual embarrassment in marrying her wife Saras’ maid servant called Hagar. Moses killed an Egyptian, disobeyed God, was not above this ethical code, when he married an Ethiopian negro. Moses is the first prophet to give in glyptic form social, religious laws of Justice system. The greatest prophet of all for delivering Israel race from slavery. First four books of Bible are written by Moses. Most and many Biblical prophets had been rash, abrupt and full of anger like Alisha and his mentor Elija.
King David had 7 wives and a number concubines in his harem. King Solomon broke all time records of having over 700 hundred wives and concubines. Yet both of them are prophets and their divine writings are recorded in Holy Bible. Is White House above the Bible? I see stones in the hand of sinners both media, Republicans, Democrats and the critics, out there to kill another sinner saying let his blood be on us and our generations. God see quality of leadership, not our failings and faults.
In our so called World the passions of Hindu primordial gods like Pandev, Kaurvs, Krishna Rama and countless others had their virtues and vices both, yet they are worshipped. Budha was the founder of Budhism, yet he forbids women folks to come near men, a complete celibacy, both misogamic and misogynistic way of deliverance.
In 7th century the founder of Islam Prophet Mohammad sahib had 8 married wives with youngest Aisha hardly 8 years while he was in his forties. In today s’ language he had all the tendencies of a paedophile and incest tendencies. does it make him less virtuous? Carlyle the great write accept him as a hero in his book hero and hero worship.
Father of Nation of India known as Bapu ji had very confused sexual life. He had been sleeping with both of his own grand nieces, called Abba and Mannu and many of his own Ashram women. In his quest for Independence of India, it demeans no way his war of Independence.
In our times of British history king Henry V111 had six wives, two of them he got beheaded. A very cruel act unfit for a King. King Edward V111 in his love affair with a widow Mrs. Simpson had to abdicate thrown for his love affair. The amorous affairs of Princess Margret ( queens’ sister) and the Princess Diana are yet fresh in our memory lane.
President J F Kennedy and his love affairs are not forgotten.
As regard President elect Donald Trump, we do not look upon him as an epitome of moral and ethics, yet he is “President Elect” of the majority electoral voted of 279, where as his rival Hillary Clinton got 228, a sweeping victory for him.
Even during preliminaries the media of US portrayed him as some hateful ogre to be shunned away. All the dirt that could be hurled at him was thrown. Good luck to Donald Trump, he disappointed every medias’ self opinionated guess work and condemnation. All political pundits and soothsayers saw their forecasts falling apart with his resounding victory.
Now, after his victory, media is still kicking the dust by exciting public against his suitability. People be respectful, be honorable to the head of the biggest democracy in the World. Honor the due verdict of the people. Be righteous, rather than riotous. Regard the decision of American people under democratic system, not under your own whims and prejudice. Salute the constitution of America!
Dr. Rev. Solomon Naz ( solomon.naz@gmail.com) 416-271-1040)
Dr. Solomon Naz is a retired Professor of Comparative religious studies and retired senior pastor of Asian Christian center Toronto Canada.
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