Blessed are the peace makers, for they shall be called the children of God(Mathews:5-9)
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the governments shall be upon His shoulders. His name shall be called …
Blessed are the peace makers, for they shall be called the children of God(Mathews:5-9)
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the governments shall be upon His shoulders. His name shall be called …
A soldier is not a social worker!
Most of the times, whenever I go for speaking engagement, if it is prepared and labored speech or preaching, it is non effective, insipid and uninspiring. To me, it looks that I speak …
Sir John Acton, 6th Baronet. He is perhaps best known for the remark, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.”
Pages of history are crimson with blood, shed by such …
While driving to share the word of God in a Church, I was tuned in to Christian radio. Full five minutes, this radio preacher wasted in requesting people to call in to his live show to …
And you shall divide the land according to your inheritance and to the stranger that sojourn in among you. And to the children those who are born to him. They shall be as the children of your own in your …
Fortunately, for the British to applause and celebrate is the story of A GREAT LADY QUEEN VICTORIA, IS MARVELOUS. Two great historic women are matchless in many ways. Elizabeth1 Queen Empress in whose age the British people conquered the sea …
This is the story of the times and active ministry of Jesus Christ. Along with his disciples Jesus Crosses in a boat to Gadrene East North of Sea of Galilee, bordering to days’ Jordan. In the North lies province of …
Terrorist attack on Paris
This city Paris, called the city of lights was drowned in utter darkness Friday Nov. 13, 2015, by six heinous attacks of terrorists, leaving behind over 170 killed and countless wounded men and women. This hour …